Sunday, January 8, 2017

Junior Year

This year is my third year in high school; junior year. At first, I was a little overwhelmed at the thought of being a junior. I thought that I was going to abhor the piles among piles of work that I would have to deal with along with sports. No matter how hard I tried to stay optimistic about beginning the new year, it didn't work. The day came so quickly, it's almost like when a family member knocks on your door out of the blue to tell you that they're moving in. I wasn't ready. I woke up early that morning to prepare myself for the start of the year. On the first day, I started with my worst class, math. I've never been a math person, but it was better that I had it first so that I could get it out of the way. In my mind, I was freaking out even though I never showed it. Related image
The class  wasn't that bad, though and I feel like I actually learned something this year. That doesn't mean that I'm an expert at solving math equations, but I improved. The other classes weren't that bad either, I had Spanish II, AICE Global Perspectives, and English III Honors. Those classes were a like a nice walk in the park. Image result for walking and tripping gif I only found myself crying about how hard everything was only a million times. I'm kidding, but I did have that, "Oh, no!" Moment at 1:00 in the morning for not doing my homework because I am very forgetful. Related image That wasn't the best night, but I still got my work finished, that's all that matters.
   Now, that I'm in my second semester and the classes have changed, I feel like I will handle things a lot better. I've made many mistakes that I will not make ever again because of the consequences that come after that. I feel like Karma has loads of fun watching people suffer after they make a mistake. 
She's sitting there like, "Oh hello! You messed up. How can I make you regret every single thing that you have done in your entire life?" 
So, I'm going to be cautious of what I say and do to be sure that Karma doesn't prey on me again; she can find a new toy to chew on for now. 
    On a different note, I'm really excited for this semester. I have a schedule where I'm actually interested in every single class. I have, AICE Psychology, AICE English Language, Anthropology, and AICE Marine Biology. It's going to be a difficult semester, but I'm ready to take these classes head on, like a bull going after the red flag. I'm not going to lie, I am nervous about the exams at the end of the year, but I have full faith in my teachers for teaching the curriculum in a way that will help not just me, but all of the students succeed. If things don't go as planned, then, that's perfectly fine because it's the beginning of the semester, so I can fix it.


  1. Hi Kayla!! You did really well on your first blog and I look forward to what else you will be blogging :) I glad that you have an optimistic view for the new semester, as that should be the mindset for anything. I know that you going to do great in your classes for this sesmter. I'm really glad that we get to spent two of theses classes together and same I feel like this term might be harder and may have more work involved but it going to be a lot of fun anyway. Plus I love the gifs that you inserted into the blog as it bring a put of visual and humor into your blog

  2. Kayla, this is really a great blog entry. You've spent a ton of time planning the words and looking for the gifs and I can tell just by reading it. It really adds a lot of visual aesthetic and humor. I only laughed maybe... 17 times?? ;) I love your ability to be able to turn unpleasant situations into happy or silly situations in real life and that characteristic really shines through in this piece of writing. You are such an empowering girl and truly a blessing to so many lives.
    I wish you had created more depth on your karma analogy, it was a really creative outlook and brought me closer to understanding your perspective. What was the mistake that caused karma to prey on you?
    I understand your nerves for AICE exams girl, I'm in the same boat. However, I absolutely love the part you included about having full faith in your teachers. I love how well you understand that everyone is working towards improvement and I'm sure every teacher you have appreciates your initiative.
    Overall Kayla, this was a great read for me. I love the positivity, a nice change from some of the negativity I've experienced today.

  3. It seems for the most part you really only told us what's on your mind. I think this whole post would change if you wrote with your emotions at hand, not your brain. A lot of people have trouble being truly open, they fear others will judge them for things they don't quite understand. However, I think writing is the one true medium where you can let your emotions run free. For instance, you talk about how you're worried about the AICE exams, but are you worried about in life? In my post I referenced "life's truly hard challenges" and I think this post would really grow with more reference to your personal life. What keeps you up at night? Or what keeps you going throughout the day? Questions like those are what life is all about, and learning to tell people how you truly feel about things is important. Overall, the post was well structured but could use better work choice. It seems like you know what you want to see but not how to say it. Like you said in class today, you had writer's block. Writer's block isn't necessarily not knowing what to write but also how to express your opinions or emotions. Learn to do that and I think your writing will move on to the next level.

  4. It took me a little while to find this post. Think you can make it clearer where to look?
