Thursday, April 27, 2017

High School: How To Survive

Welcome Freshmen!

Thank you for stumbling upon my blog for this survival guide to high school. If you want to succeed and survive, I highly recommend that you keep reading…

The first rookie mistake that every freshman makes is behaving like a flamboyant jaguar, trying to pounce on their prey. With that being said, do NOT  get yourself in trouble to look “cool”; it won’t work. All of the upper classmen will only consider you as bearable if you’re respectful towards the school, teachers, and your peers. That will also make you stand out from the others in your grade.

Now that we have that cleared up, here's the basics that you could probably guess since you are at school.

   1.)  Turn in all of your work. This may sound cliche, but you're in high school now, if you miss an assignment, there could be grave consequences. Keeping your grades will be harder than the easy A in middle school.          

Warning: Some teachers skip the whole introduction to the class on the first day and give you notes to start with, be sure to be prepared for class.

    2.)  Have all of the items needed for class. Before arriving, you were given a list of items needed for school; take advantage of that list. On the first day, bring at least two pencils, two pens (black or blue), four binders, four composition books, one pack of loose leaf paper, and one folder. With these items, you should be prepared for anything to come your way on the first day.

    3.)  Do you need help? Ask for it. Teachers are here for a reason, so you might as well tell them when you don't understand the lesson so that you don't fall behind. Don't think that asking for help is going to make you look unintelligent, either. It doesn't matter what the other people in your class thinks of you. To be completely honest, the people who are paying attention to what you're asking the teacher, have the same question or something similar.

    4.) Have fun. There is a lot of work in high school, but there's also time to have fun. You can join a club or a sport or if that's not your style, you can go to the sporting events with your friends and have the time of your life. Our school is a family, so you can expect the majority of the school to go to a football game or a soccer game. Some may not agree, but there are even core classes that are fun because the teacher makes it that way.

I hope that all goes well on your adventure in high school! Try to survive.

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