Friday, February 24, 2017

Lunch Time: Girls vs. Boys

Lunch time, the only time where students get to socialize without their teachers yelling at them for talking. During this time, people talk about different things depending on the table that you look at. Let’s look at my school, for example, Marco Island Academy. My school isn’t that large, but we have people with different personalities that shine through what they say. So, I will show you what a normal conversation at lunch would be at an all male table and an all female table.
 First, I will show you the all girls table..

   At the small square table, where four should be seated, there are six girls at the table. Two chairs were pulled up from other tables and are at opposite corners. Seated at the table are Taylor, the athletic strawberry blonde, who is very trendy and is instagram famous, Victoria, who is probably the smartest girl in the school, but instead of being modest, she tells everyone about it and how she’s the President of Stem Club. Then there’s Jackie who is writing the newspaper for the school, Katherine, who listens to the conversations instead of joining them and Josie who is the theatre kid that is also very intelligent, but doesn’t always do all of her work. The girls sit there, Taylor, eating her salad, half listens to Josie talk about the school’s play. When Josie mentions that the play is taking place in a coffee shop, Jackie nearly drops her water bottle and speaks up, “Did you hear that Téo works at Starbucks now?” Téo is the guy that every single girl likes. He’s not the typical jock, nor is he the theatre kid, but he is a brooding writer who only writes what is on his mind. Girls swoon over him and he smiles and acts friendly towards them. When Taylor heard Téo’s name, she rolled her eyes. She could not stand him. You see, Taylor is a traditional girl and Téo is NOT a traditional guy. He tried to flirt with her, but she turned him down, harshly. “Can we not talk about him?” Taylor said annoyed.
   “He’s only the most attractive guy in school, why wouldn’t we?”  Josie joined. Then Victoria decided to add to Josie’s comment, “He’s pretty mediocre, if you ask me.” Everyone knew that Victoria is actually in love with Téo. She always tries to impress him with “interesting” facts about science or math. He may have told her to go away and now she claims to hate him.
   Taylor finished her salad and started to stand, “I’m going to throw this away, anyone want to come with?”  Girls never leave the table alone. Katherine stands up, nodding and the two went to throw away their trash. When the two of them returned to their table, Victoria and Josie were fighting over arguing with another person. The two never really get along. According to Jackie, Josie asked Victoria why they argue over everything, then Victoria said that arguing isn’t the right term for their “relationship” or something similar to that, she wasn’t paying attention. Afraid that the one table would cause a scene, Katherine quietly walked away to another table.
   “All that I'm trying to say is, we argue all the time. Just look at us now! We’re arguing!” Josie was standing at this point, her voice growing louder and louder with every word.
   “Are you sure about that?” Was all that Victoria said.
   “Why can't we have a normal, quiet day at lunch, guys? As you know, I'm a traditional girl, so I don't like a lot of drama.” Taylor tried to get the two to stop bickering. When she looked over at Jackie, she saw that Jackie was recording the argument, most likely planning a new story to put into the school newspaper.

Now, let’s go to the other side of the lunchroom to the all male table. At this table, there are three teenage boys, the notorious Téo, the legendary Max, and the athletic Kayleb. Téo is the ladies man, he doesn't do anything to make them like him, but they naturally gravitate to him, even though he doesn't want any of the girls. All he wants to do is play golf and keep writing. Max is the artist, his talent is greater than any of the other artists of the school. He's a simple person who genuinely cares about other people, but he can also tear someone apart with a couple of words if needed. Kayleb is the athlete of the three, being in three sports. Since he's so caught up in sports, he doesn't really think about being in a relationship. He's also the talkative one in the group.
   “Guys, are you coming to my game this weekend? It's a home game and we’re bound to win!” Kayleb starts the conversation.
Max shrugs, “Maybe, I'll try to see if I can make it.”
Téo takes a bite into his apple, uninterested.
   “Come on, think about all of the girls that show up to soccer games.” Kayleb tries to convince his friends to go to the game.
Téo looks up, “What exactly is the friend zone and why was I put in it? How do I break free?” His tone, obviously agitated.
   “Was there actually a girl who turned down the one and only Téo?” Max asked with a slightly condescending smile.
Téo’s face reddened ever so slightly, the only reason Max and Kayleb noticed it was because they know their friend very well.
   “Who is it? You never told us who thawed the ice over your frozen heart.” Kayleb asked.
Téo looked up to the sky and said, “Her.”

Disclaimer: Names and genders may have been changed

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